©Actvites Nautiques Vallée Du Cher Vallée De La Loire|SudValdeLoireA canoe trip down the wild CherWild above Montrichard, managed further downstream, the Cher has two faces, perfect for people who love nature or ‘slow tourism’. Read more©Expérience Séminaire Aventure Canoë sur Le Cher - Groupe|Aventure canoeCanoe trip: Perfect activity for team buildingWild above Montrichard, managed further downstream, the Cher has two faces, perfect for people who love nature or ‘slow tourism’. Read more
Img 4034©Img 4034L’Heureux Hasard, the paradise of Slow tourismRead more©pressmaster - FotoliaFishing in the Cher and Loire ValleyRead moreZoo De Beauval Amenagements (2)©Zoo De Beauval Amenagements (2)Meeting the Director of the ZooParc de BeauvalRead more©Sud Val de LoireThe Cher’s history_enRead more©Actvites Nautiques Vallée Du Cher Vallée De La Loire|SudValdeLoireA canoe trip down the wild CherRead moreImg 3209©Img 3209Cruises on the Cher and LoireRead moreBlog: My holiday in the Sud Val de Loire!Read more©cynoclub - FotoliaHORSE RIDING ON THE LOIRE VALLEYRead moreHiking trailsRead more©ZooParc de Beauval Zookeeper for the day at BeauvalRead moreA vineyard tourRead more©Expérience Séminaire Aventure Canoë sur Le Cher - Groupe|Aventure canoeCanoe trip: Perfect activity for team buildingRead more